Today, Gynecological diseases directly affect the quality of life of women in different ways and in varying degrees. So we need a broad spectrum of study and research, in all relevant areas of reproduction, contraception, obstetrics and Gynecology that include reproductive endocrinology, reproductive physiology, assisted reproductive technologies, environmental effects on reproductive health, infertility, family planning, sexual health, obstetrics, prenatal diagnosis, maternal-fetal medicine, midwifery, perinatology, gynecological urology, gynecological oncology, gynecological endocrinology, general Gynecology and menopause, to improve the women health-care.
We are eagerly waiting to meet you in Dubai during April 28-29, 2021.
Evation Conferences will act as a bridge between the Academia & Industry to fill the knowledge gap and inspire young minds through its unique learning opportunities. It will offer a huge opportunity to share ideas, and promote the collaborative research environment through its specially designed networking sessions for a challenging future. Evation Conferences will establish a strong base for researchers and learners in the journey of their lifelong quest for knowledge.
Evation Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd. incorporated with an aim to offer end to end business solutions and support services. We are expert is offering Event support services, B2B platforms, Business Consulting projects, Business Research, Corporate training, and also organizing Business Meetings, hosting international/ national Conferences, seminars as well as event marketing associated services. Recently we initiated our Open Access academic publishing platform i.e. Online Open Access Journals.